Dwarf blueberry bushes (Vaccinium spp.) Grow from 12 to 36 inches tall, as opposed to the 5 to 6 feet of the full-sized versions. Blueberry bushes need acidic, well-draining dirt and a lot of sun and moisture. The bushes grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 10, based on the species. Blueberry bushes start producing after about three years, and more than 1 number is vital for proper pollination.
Examine the soil pH annually before planting to allow time for any necessary soil amendments to take effect. Use a soil pH test kit according to the manufacturer’s directions. Dwarf blueberries require a pH between 4.0 and 5.5.
Add the necessary amendments to the ground. Follow the label rate instructions and until or dig sulfur into the planting area at least fourteen days before planting if the pH is up to 6.5. If the pH is only slightly alkaline, incorporate ammonium sulfate or peat moss into the soil before planting. If your pH is higher than 6.5 it is not advised to plant blueberries from the place. To increase a pH which is lower than 4.0, add dolomite lime to the ground. Dig an acidic or peat-based compost to the top a few inches of soil to add organic matter and enhance drainage.
Remove any weeds in the region before planting the blueberry bushes.
Plant the bushes in a place that’s good drainage and also gets at least six hours of sun per day. Dig a hole as deep as the root ball and also 2 to four times the width of the root ball. Put the bush at the middle of this hole and spread the roots. Backfill with the dirt. Space plants 5 feet apart, and be certain every plant includes a 5-foot radius of weed-free ground.
Water the dwarf blueberries at the time of planting. Then continue to water them often enough to keep the soil moist around the bushes. In dry weather this may mean daily watering. Water across the root canal, not just near the base of this plant.
Spread a two- to 4-inch layer of bark mulch over the root zone of each plant. The mulch will keep the soil moist and help control weeds. Replenish the mulch yearly as it decomposes.
Prune the newly planted dwarf blueberry back about one-third using pruning shears, removing blossom buds, in the time it’s planted. Following the bush is established, a yearly fall pruning to remove dead or damaged wood and thin the middle of the bush is suggested. After five years, prune canes annually which are an inch or more in diameter in the bottom to thin out old timber and make room for the new shoots that make the berries.
Fertilize dwarf lemons having an acidic fertilizer start the second year. Use an ammonium sulfate fertilizer unless a soil test shows deficiencies in other nutrients. Apply the fertilizer after bud break and at early and late spring. Follow the label prices, using the maximum levels of bushes that show little increase in the previous year, and very little fertilizer on plants which have 1 foot of new growth.