Low-maintenance, cool-season fescue grasses (Festuca spp.) Grow well in shade and can grow in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 3 through 11. Many tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea) varieties are used as lawn grasses and expand well in USDA zones 4 through 9. In summer, when temperatures are above 65 degrees Fahrenheit, followed by weather, fescue grass, especially tall fescue, may develop brown or yellow patches of dead grass. Often, the damage is due to”brown patch,” a disease caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani. Other grass molds, including pythium blight, gray leaf spot and rust, are caused by fungi that were different with symptoms which resemble those with spot. It’s possible to control the mold with the ideal care.
Watering Fescue
Other fungi and White patch need moisture to grow. Rain, fog and heavy dews encourage the development of marijuana molds. Watering is more likely the cause. Water fescue lawns once. A lawn requires 1 to 2 inches of water per week, whether from rain or watering. Water fescue in the morning or in the early day to make sure water evaporates during the day from the grass blades. Molds expand and will not infect on dry grass blades. Dethatch and aerate your lawn so that the grass stays dry to increase soil drainage.
Avoiding Over-Fertilization
Fertilizing grass infected with mold aggravates the disease. Fertilizers with nitrogen content. Fungus lush growth that is rather infected by fungus is induced by nitrogen. Fertilizers with higher nitrogen content promote the development of a dense canopy in lawns that maintain humidity and moisture. Nitrogen does not bring about mold disease, it simply enhances disease rates and the severity of the disease.
Mowing Height
Regular mowing at a height of 2 1/2 inches is best for keeping grass mold at bay. Brown patch will probably be more intense if the grass is longer or shorter than this. Leaving the grass reduces air circulation and increases blade to contact, allowing the fungus. Mowing the grass short weakens it and also makes it more prone to disease. Remove grass clippings during and right after a fungal outbreak for several weeks.
Implementing Fungicides
If changing your watering and fertilizer schedules do not help, you might have to use fungicides. Lawns and yards that had brown patch in the benefit from fungicide treatment. Mow the lawn and allow the fungicide dry before watering. Fungicide treatment of fescue yards at risk for patch and other grass molds works better than treating. When wet weather and night minimum temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit are forecast, Strategy to employ the preventative treatment. Apply a fungicide, such as propiconazole, at a speed of 2 to 4 oz in 2 to 5 gallons of water to every feet of lawn before patch symptoms appear and repeat every two to four weeks. Apply 1 to 2 oz of the fungicide triadimefon in 2 to 4 gallons of water to every feet of lawn every two to four weeks or more if grass mold has taken hold. Wear long pants, long sleeves and sturdy shoes when working together with garden chemicals. As you spray keep pets and children from the area and follow all safety instructions. Because they vary by manufacturer, double-check application methods and rates.
Choosing Fescue Varieties and Mixes
Use varieties of fescue grasses with resistance to diseases when overseeding lawns. Cases of tall fescue varieties with good resistance comprise”Apache III,””Finelawn Elite” and”Hounddog 6″ If your lawn gets infected A mix of fescue seed types with different grass mold immunity ensures a lawn. Seed mixes containing small proportions of non-fescue marijuana seeds lower the severity of disease and can also improve lawn quality.