What Is the Difference Between a Yellow Delicious Apple & a Golden Delicious Apple?

Fruit of the “Golden Delicious” apple tree (Malus x domestica “Golden Delicious”) has sweet, yellow skin and also is similar to fruit of the “Red Delicious” apple tree (Malus x domestica “Red Delicious”). An alternate name for “Golden Delicious” is “Yellow Delicious;” other than their names, no gap exists between them. “Golden Delicious” and “Red Delicious” trees are hardy in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 5 through 8.

Wild “Volunteer” Origin

Meanwhile, the ancestor tree of “Golden Delicious” apples was found in 1914 in West Virginia. The first tree was growing rampant, as a “volunteer,” however, it was quickly purchased, propagated as well as the consequence marketed by Missouri’s Stark Bros. nursery, which also gave the tree its name. “Golden Delicious” apple has been given as West Virginia’s state fruit from 1995. The fruit could be eaten, baked or utilized in sauce and also is famous for maintaining its shape after cooked.

Increase and Pollination Ability

“Golden Delicious” apple trees grow up to 25 feet in height and canopy width. They perform best in full-sun websites and develop rapidly. The Arbor Day Foundation warns the trees can not withstand drought and have to be kept in moist but well-draining soil. They can function as pollinators for at least 153 other apple cultivars, according to Orange Pippin Fruit Trees’ site. A couple of cultivars, however, cannot pollinate or be pollinated by “Golden Delicious,” such as “Jonagold” (Malus “Jonagold”), that will be hardy in USDA zones 5 through 8.

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