Some homeowners appreciate the existence of stray cats since it is a secure and efficient way to keep rodents and mice under control. Felines which use a kid’s sandbox or a flowerbed as a bathroom place, however, often aren’t welcome. Even though cats are intelligent, territorial animals, it is possible to discourage a stray or feral cat in taking up residence in your yard by using humane procedures.
Feed your pets inside. A supply of food entices a kitty to come back time after time and often attracts more cats. If you feed a stray or feral cat, feed it in a place away from your yard.
Put natural repellents along the outside of your yard or in locations in which the kitty digs. Natural repellents incorporate strong-scented materials like lemon, orange or lime peels, mint oil, lavender oil and coffee grounds. A plant commonly known as scardy cat coleus (Coleus canina Sumcol 01 and Plectranthus caninus) is often a powerful repellent, since is rue (Ruta graveolens), a common herb. Although people generally do not observe either plant’s odor, it is offensive to the ultrasensive noses of rodents. Avoid using substances like cayenne pepper, mustard oil and other things that may lead to irritation or injury to the cat and other creatures.
Produce a bathroom area to your cat outside your yard, then encourage the cat to use that area as opposed to your yard. An option is to place the bathroom area in an unused corner of your yard to pull the cat from flowerbeds or highly trafficked locations. Put either a large, plastic container full of a stack of peat moss at the designated site. Attract the kitty to the area by burying a piece of cat waste from the mud or peat moss. Scoop waste out of the mud or peat moss about once each month.
Frighten away the cat using a motion-activated sprinkler if other approaches fail to work. A motion-activated sprinkler shoots burst of water at the overall direction its detector detects movement. In time, the cat will learn to steer clear of the sprinkler’s area.