Hydrangea FAQs

Hydrangeas fill out the landscape using their growth habit that is big and bright clusters of flowers that are small. Nearly all regions of Northern California provide conditions that are appropriate for hydrangeas, although the shrubs need watering in the dryer areas. Hydrangeas can withstand periods of cold with little and they put.

Hydrangea Varieties

Hydrangeas come. Oakleaf forms (Hydrangea quercifolia) make their title from their foliage, which resembles the bamboo foliage. These bloom in late summer and the leaves turn a brilliant red in fall. Bigleaf varieties (Hydrangea macrophylla) have either pink or blue flowers, depending on the total amount of aluminum in the soil. Panicle hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata) grow rapidly and attain heights up to 10 feet, making them a fantastic selection for bare areas that need instant filling . Growing hydrangeas (Hydrangea anomala) need trellising and support since they grow as long wood vines. This variety does well in higher elevations where summer temperatures stay cooler.

Growing Conditions

Moist soil that’s rich in organic matter, such as dirt amended liberally with compost prior to planting is preferred by all types of hydrangeas. The foliage scorches, although sun is required by the shrubs to blossom. Locations that offer afternoon shade and morning light work. All types of hydrangea are tolerant throughout Northern California. Some branch dieback may occur in regions that experience frost, however, the plants regrow in spring.

Basic Care

Appropriate irrigation leads to best growth and flourishing. Keep the soil. Although they may need more regular watering during dry periods the shrubs require approximately 1 inch of water from rain or irrigation. Mulching the soil around the bottom of the tree helps preserve soil moisture. Hydrangeas also benefit from spring fertilization. Performing a soil test before fertilizing provides the most accurate guide how much and which type of fertilizer to use.


Pruning ensures flower production and helps preserve shape and the dimensions of the hydrangea. Pruning is required by the panicle kinds anytime after flowering, in either fall or winter. Cut back the branches by up to a half their length to keep the desired size of this bush. Pruning is required by oakleaf and bigleaf forms immediately after flowering. By waiting to prune these, they can be prevented from placing flower buds. Remove up to a third of the elderly stems, but leave the majority. Pruning isn’t required by climbing varieties. Cut out damaged or dead timber whenever necessary.

Pests and Diseases

Hydrangeas can be damaged by A variety of pests . Aphids, soft bodied insects that are small, stalks and along the feed on the underside of leaves. Mites scales and whiteflies may infest the shrubs. Proper care minimizes risks from these types of insects and infestations are curable using insecticidal soaps or pesticides that are targeted. When hydrangeas aren’t watered 20, gray mold, powdery mildew, root rot and other fungal problems occur. Moist foliage or moist soil leads to these illnesses.

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