How to Cut Back Zinnias

Charm gardeners with colorful flowers, their cheery and minimum care requirements. Virtually all species of zinnias are plants, which means they live for one season before expiring back with the frost. As a result, zinnias have a lot shorter blooming season than plants annually, since they must be reseeded. Deadheading, or cutting back, zinnias during the summertime will effectively lengthen their flowering period and will enhance the look of the plants. But, since the reduction of foliage can cause zinnias to expire 25, it’s important not to remove too much expansion from the plants.

Water zinnias the evening. Run a garden hose low volume at the base of the plants. Avoid overhead watering since moisture on the foliage offers ideal conditions for fungal infections and mildew.

Cut back zinnias in the morning if it’s moist and cool outdoors. Avoid pruning the plants in the day since the heat air will cause the plants to lose too much moisture.

Locate stems with flowers at the tip or a overgrown look. Grab the stem in one hand and pull it apart to reveal the base. Snip the stem. Use pruning shears or a sharp pair of scissors to cut the old expansion.

Remove the spent flower stalks and leggy growth. Discard the expansion that is pruned to a waste may instead of mulching it since the leaves or stalks may harbor bacterial leaf spot or powdery mildew, which may be passed to other plants via mulch.

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